A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 55 - 54 - This Is Problematic.

Arriving at the church, the only vision I had was of a building destroyed by time and abandoned. Everything was quiet, I couldn\'t hear any sound coming from inside or around the church.

Looking across the dirt floor, there were no marks of wheels of a carriage or a sign that people had walked into the church.

\'But they can still be inside, right? Come on.\' Even though I have no signs that people have entered here, they may have hidden it in some way, so the only thing to do is to enter inside.

I walked without making a lot of noise and being careful not to trip over some large pieces of stone that were near the entrance. A part of the wall collapsed and a large number of stones were thrown by the place.

Taking care, I arrived at the entrance.

Inside the building it was dark, only a few spots were illuminated by holes that had been opened in the ceiling and walls.

What surprised me was the amount of wood inside the place. It looked like all the pews in the church had been broken and their pieces dumped all over the place, which made the building look even dirtier.

The amount of dust in the air, and the cobwebs everywhere made me sure that this place was abandoned for a long time, so long that I can\'t imagine it. But for what reason?

Whatever, I don\'t think I should worry about that now, I don\'t think the abandonment of a church is an important historical fact in this world, is it? I don\'t remember reading about it anywhere.

Haa ~~

I sighed and continued walking around the place while looking for something suspicious.

But again there was no sign that anyone had come here. I couldn\'t hear any sound, I was completely alone here, or so I imagined.

Walking through the church, I went up on a small stage just above the floor, where the priest probably stayed or something. On top of the small wooden stage that was full of holes, there was a large cross made of some kind of metal.

But just that, a rusty cross and nothing more.

The only thing left was broken wooden tables and chairs and a large number of weeds had grown up on the walls at the back of the stage.

"Isn\'t there going to be anything here?" I continued walking around the place and found some doors.

I enter one of these doors and was just a dirty and stinky bathroom, which didn\'t make me very comfortable, making me run out of there.

The second door had a staircase that led to the second floor, but going up the stairs that creaked and could break at any moment, I reached the second floor. It was a small, cramped floor.

A tall person would not be able to walk up here comfortably.

The only thing on top was some junk, some dirty clothes lying on the floor, and a broken bed.

"Did anyone live here?" This is a strange thing to have in a church, isn\'t it?

And this is fucking stinky. It was as if a person had died here and his body had been left to rot, I couldn\'t even breathe properly in here.

But since there was nothing much inside, I left the room and went down the stairs, and now there was only one door left. The door was in a better state than the others, its lock still in place.

"Hm?" Trying to open the door, I noticed that it was locked. Even with a little force to open it, it did not open at all.

\'It\'s locked, there must be something here.\' I didn\'t have a key to use here, so I decided to break the door down. Since I was strong enough to do that, I just used all my strength to push the door far enough that the lock would be broken.

Boom ~~

It made a big noise, if there was someone inside the church, they sure could hear it, so I had to hurry up.

Not only the lock but part of the wall had been broken, it made the whole building tremble and the wooden floor began to creak.

"Shit, I must be more careful." With the door open, I found another staircase, but this time it led down. It was dark, and I couldn\'t see the bottom.

A cold air was coming from the bottom.

I went down the stairs, but it was different from the stairs that led to the second floor. With each step I took, I felt that each time everything would become more "New" or less deteriorated.

The stairs had ceased to creak and the walls were not dirty as they were up there.

The further I went down, the colder the environment became, to the point where my body started to tremble.

"Shit, is there some kind of glacier down here? And there is no light around here? " In addition to the cold, it was getting darker and darker, there was no light source anywhere, I was holding onto the walls to be able to locate myself.

I could use fire magic to warm up and light up, but I was a little concerned about doing it inside an enclosed location.

Also taking care not to slip down the stairs.

I kept walking ...

Deeper and deeper ...

I took so many steps that I can\'t count ...

I walked for several minutes on a staircase, in a cold and dark environment, but after so much walking, finally, a light had appeared.

It was a small spot of light that was coming from under a door, a door made of iron. An iron that was in very good condition, it looked like this was new.

When I got to the door, I started to realize that I was getting into something that could be very problematic. Isn\'t that some kind of villain hiding place? This is getting dangerous.

\'But whatever, I think I can handle it.\' Unlike the first door, this one wasn\'t locked. The door was cold, so cold that I could imagine that the door itself was a block of ice.

Nheeec ~~

With a long creak that seemed louder than it normally would be because of the silence, the door was opened.

It felt like I had just opened the door of a freezer, an almost unbearable cold took over the whole place, my body was almost freezing. Not taking it anymore, I used fire magic to warm my body.

But in addition to the cold, something incredible appeared in my vision, something that I never imagined existed under the capital, and something very problematic.... Certainly very problematic.

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