Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 438 Part One: Reaching The End

(From MC\'s perspective)

Northern Lake,

I spent quite a few hours resting near the shore of the lake. During that time, I got the intuition that someone is watching my movements. After getting those feelings, I stopped hunting fish monsters.

I knew the competition was broadcasting live to millions of people. And it\'s not appropriate to show overwhelming power. Otherwise, it will arouse the suspicion of many people.

Before coming here, I thought I could freely use lightning power. But I hadn\'t expected a change in the plans of the teacher. He had even made arrangements for my study at Saw Scaled Viper Academy.

Shaking my head, I decided to leave. It\'s best to kill terrain monsters physically. I think an overpowered physique won\'t raise any doubts. While going back, I choose the central route which goes via a dark swamp.

I believe quite a few monsters were left out there. If I can collect all those monster cores, then no one can beat me.


The death toll of seed candidates started to increase in numbers. This time not only the special trainee warriors died even the Trainee Warriors didn\'t seem to escape from this harsh reality.

Witnessing such a horrific scene, millions of people stopped watching it. Even the organizations found no change in the situation. Right now, only survivors\' organizations and families were glued to the screen.

From this event, people started to realize that seed candidates from Tier-7 cities were not so great either. They are like everyone trying to escape from the hybrid monsters.

Central area,

The Male warriors from the Crimson Hall team are caught in a precarious situation. Like Maria and her team, they too are being chased by the bloodthirsty rat monsters.

Unfortunately, the number of bloodthirsty rat monsters was staggeringly great. They don\'t have breathing time like Maria and her team.

Bob Williamson, Austin Boyer, and Bradley Reese were running for their life.

Bob is taking the lead. Feeling desperation, a cold glint burst out from his eyes. Earlier, they went out to map the surrounding area. To think they came across bloodthirsty rats. He couldn\'t help but curse at their bad luck.


He made a quick slash to cut down the branches on the way. If any of them falls mistakenly, it will be all over.

While fleeing, he kept his eyes on bloodthirsty rat monsters. Seeing the maddened state of those chasing rats. He knew it would be difficult to shake them off.

At the same time, Austin Boyer and Bradley Reese looked at each other. Both of them follow Bob blindly. But they don\'t know whether Bob has any destination in mind.

Unfortunately, it is not the time for a talk. This harsh jungle makes it difficult to move. Suddenly, Austin sees some silhouettes ahead. A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Not only him, Bradley and Bob also took notice of seed candidates coming in their direction. An evil smile appeared on Bob\'s face. They are in desperate need of a scapegoat. Now they finally got their wish.

Suddenly, three of them made eye contact. There is a tacit understanding between them.

Sky Tower,

Scenes of crimson hall members being watched by the Super elite warrior. First Elder Casey grinned wildly.

Seeing that three of them were going to make use of clueless seed candidates, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eye.

He hoped that their performance would catch the attention of the academy people.

A trace of disdain flashed in Mike Smith\'s eyes. He can see what is in Casey\'s mind. But the end of Crimson Hall is already a foregone conclusion.

And it\'s impossible to leave any roots left in the end. Shaking his head, his gaze fell on another figure. He is none other than Zack Lockwood.

To be honest, Zack\'s movements didn\'t go unnoticed under his eyes. It can be seen that Zack is not interested in fighting the monsters at all.

He killed most of the monsters using brute strength. Which clearly shows that he is on a different scale than the rest of the seed candidates.

Is it Peak Trainee or half-step elite? A doubt appeared in his heart. In either case, it\'s good for their Saw Scale Viper Academy.

He also knows other Super elite warriors keeping an eye on Zack. They don\'t want to see the rise of such talented warriors in Saw Scale Viper Academy.

He believes that they will do something after getting back to their organization. If they dare to do something now. He...He...He... The big man will make them disappear.

These thoughts were running wild in his mind. He can\'t say it openly.

On the other hand, Harvey Kim shows a slight interest in Crimson Hall members. He didn\'t despise their actions. If they don\'t do something, then three of them would be eaten alive by a bloodthirsty rat monster.

He takes a glance at Casey before watching the scene again. He didn\'t expect this person to be ruthless enough to send his organization members.

In this way, he can avoid some harsh criticism.

Next, he sees that three of them made a surprise attack on clueless seed candidates. Which immediately caught them off guard.

This sudden attack resulted in heavy injury. The new group has fallen to the ground. Seeing that the crimson hall members immediately fled from the place.

"Ha...Ha...Ha...," Harvey Kim burst into laughter.

The reaction shown by the crimson hall members amused him greatly. The next moment, a horrible thing happened. The bloodthirsty rat monsters surrounded the new group.

The seed candidates turned into bones in a matter of minutes.

At the same time, Autumn Holt from White Palace frowns. She thinks exactly the opposite of Harvey Kim. In her opinion, there are ways to get rid of the monster instead of making someone else scale the goat.

Like the method executed by Maria Frazier. Which deeply impressed her. Maria Frazier\'s water element caught her attention. She is by far the most suitable candidate for the White Palace.

At this moment, she made a firm decision. Which caused some changes in her plans. Earlier, she thought it would be best to return empty-handed. But that young girl seems promising.

And sword techniques displayed here seem to be family techniques. So it doesn\'t hurt to recruit one person. Besides, there are not many female candidates currently alive in this competition.

She finally made up her mind to recruit this girl.

Like her, other super elite warriors also select suitable candidates for their organization in their hearts.

On the other hand, Teresa York is watching the scene without many expressions on her face. Instead of crimson hall members, her attention is mostly focused on one young man.

It\'s a pity that this young man is related to the Army Federation. But his actions piqued curiosity in her heart. She is confused why is he not making any move at all?

She also observed one more thing. She hasn\'t seen that young man using any element at all. That young man named Zack is using his fist to kill the monster.

She furrowed her beautiful eyebrows. She then immediately turned towards a certain super elite warrior and asked, "Mike, what is the elemental power of a young man named Zack?"

Her words immediately caught the attention of others. Harvey Kim\'s eyes lit up with surprise. He too made a similar observation earlier. Since that young man is not going to join his organization. He didn\'t ask about it.

But now seeing Teresa, he perked up his ears to listen.

"That young man has an extremely strong physique," Eduard Ortega suddenly commented.

"Harumph," Harvey Kim gave a cold snort. Anyone can see that the young man has a strong physique.

June Shelton from Silver Clouds Academy revealed an amusing smile on his face. He is not sad knowing that the young man is a person of the Army Federation.

It would be troublesome if he is a member of the Eclipse Academy. But thankfully he is not. So he is quietly enjoying the show.

Even Autumn Holt shifted her attention back to Teresa\'s question.

Facing all of their gazes, Mike Smith smiled wryly. "I don\'t know?" He replied with a smile.

Hearing that, a trace of disappointment flashes in Teresa\'s eyes. She didn\'t expect him to say anything.

"Harumph," Harvey Kim another cold snort. He feels Mike is deliberately hiding the information. What a moron?

Anyway, that kid is going to be exploited by the Army Federation. If he shows any lack of performance or sustains an injury, then he will be thrown out immediately.

Shaking his head, his gaze then fell on the screen. But suddenly, an idea strikes his mind. While everyone shifted their attention back to the competition.

He turned towards the event organizer. Casey from the Crimson Hall.

"You...," Harvey pointed his finger at Casey and asked, "Do you know what that kid\'s element of power is?"

His words rang like thunder in Casey\'s ears. He didn\'t expect to hear a sudden question out of nowhere.

Teresa York\'e eyes lit up with surprise. She almost forgot about the existence of this person.

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