Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

538 Chapter 536

Leon didn\'t know if he would be able to collect mana from the environment in that dimension, but considering that he could absorb mana from the monsters, such a possibility does exist. Still, he had to collect coins for weeks in order to have enough coins to buy the tome.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Mana Magnetism.

Cost: 100 mana per second

Range: 05 meters

Cooldown time: 60 seconds

You obtained 01 status points.

"Although I will eventually learn how to use this skill and get rid of the cooldown time, it is still a bit troublesome..." Leon said.

Soon, Leon used the skill, and It didn\'t take long for him to nice that it was very strange. While active, the skill increased Leon\'s mana regeneration by five points. The skill was like Mana-Eater. It wasn\'t that efficient initially, but that one would take quite a while to become a trump card. That was what Leon thought at first, but when the skill reached level twenty, and its range reached one hundred meters, the skill already could keep itself active. However, there was a downside, everything nearby Leon would lose mana, even his monsters.

"Now that I think about it... won\'t this place lose all its mana if I keep this skill active?" Leon looked around, observing his fallen monsters. "It is also bizarre that I can keep sucking mana from the environment non-stop. Although planets are big, following the logic of everything I learned so far, even planets were supposed to run out of mana."

Leon noticed if that was possible, perhaps that would be a great way to slow down the assimilation process. Still, since Ilyana never mentioned such a possibility, she probably knew that it was impossible.

"Unless worlds have statuses like monsters and intelligent species, it doesn\'t make sense that I can drain mana from the environment like that non-stop," Leon walked around while thinking of several possibilities. "But if the world has a recovery status and can grow stronger when more mana is used nearby... then, that does explain why Mana Magnetism can stay active and still be stupidly efficient."

Leon recalled Ilyana\'s words. She mentioned that Earth would be able to heal itself from the damage caused by the harvesters. If that kind of process happens again and again, the planet will become inhospitable, but the planet itself would survive. Little by little, it was becoming more evident that even though worlds didn\'t fight, they were part of the system like humans and monsters were... in fact, they were in the middle of the balance because they didn\'t have to kill anything and could grow stronger and obtain energy to last possibly forever. They weren\'t in a bad position.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Mana Magnetism has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Mana Magnetism has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Mana Magnetism has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.


"Still, this doesn\'t explain how I can obtain so much mana from this dimension..." Leon said. "Unless this is really another world and the appearance of this world is just an illusion created by Sekundez\'s to make me feel more comfortable with it... Ah, this is a pain. I have so much free time that I can\'t help but question trying to understand every single thing."

Anaconda - Lv 01

Health: 300/300

Mana: 400/400

Stamina: 200/200

Strength: 60

Dexterity: 40

Speed: 70

Intelligence: 50

Endurance: 40

Control: 50

Active Skills: Bite Lv 50, Strangle Lv 40, Poison Bullet Lv 60, Infrared Perception Lv 40

Passive Skills: Poison Resistance Lv 150, Earth Resistance Lv 40, Fire Resistance Lv 40, Ice Resistance Lv 50, Wind Resistance Lv 30

While Leon was training his new skill, a new monster appeared. Much for Leon\'s surprise, he felt shivers when he saw those twenty-meters long snakes leaving the ocean and moving toward him. He didn\'t notice that before, but he barely had the chance to fight against that kind of monster from so close. Leon saw some when he fought to help the Brazilian survivors, but he never got that close. Still, soon he forgot about that.

"Infrared Perception... here it is," Leon checked Ilyana\'s vault. "Ten thousand coins... this type of utility spell always surprises me with their prices."

Again, Leon didn\'t need any other tracking skill since he had Mana Dominion, but he would buy the skill nonetheless for the status points.

Although Leon wanted to stop thinking about Mana Magnetism and about that dimension, he failed in doing so. It was a bit hard to imagine that just understanding would grant Leon the power to replicate it, but maybe that kind of knowledge would help him in the future. Most likely, the dimension Sekundez created was like an virtual reality. Everything that happens there only influences the people inside of it. It wasn\'t weird to think that someone could learn how to wield a sword in such space, so it makes sense that Leon could train his skills and learn new ones there. In the end, the levels of his skills were just the mastery he had over those skills. Besides, considering that he could increase the power and effectiveness of his spells as long as he has mana, it was only obvious that he could benefit from that kind of experience outside that dimension.

"I guess I can consider this to be only an imaginary world created by Sekundez were almost everything that happens is just a reaction of my actions," Leon nodded to himself. "The circle of days and nights and the monsters coming out of the sea are the \'rules\' she established for this place in order to make me experience the same things she did. But I guess it would be weird if those were the only things that could influence this world."

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